Oblong (UK) Ltd
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About SIC codes

An SIC code, or Standard Industry Classification code, is a 4 or 5 digit number which can be allocated to an organisation to describe the nature of its business. Over time there have been several different SIC systems used in the UK as these taxonomies have been adapted to cope with the changes in UK industry, eg the 1980 system was far more detailed in manufacturing, the SIC 2007 system is much stronger in the IT sector. Many companies still use the SIC 2003 codes which are a slightly modified version of the 1992 SIC system.

For more details on SIC codes go to our Information page.

SIC codes are our speciality

We (Oblong UK Ltd) specialise in adding SIC codes to UK business lists in particular customer databases/CRM data. We use automated processing, followed by manual research to achieve the best results.

If you are interested in our SIC appending services then please click here to find out more.

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On Average we SIC code 99% of a business list (when using all methods).

Outsourced Processing
SIC code services

Need a UK business list?

We will supply you with a list of businesses for the industry sectors you need. We'll perform counts, provide you with samples and give you a fixed quote with no obligation for you to purchase anything. We can provide lists from many different business data sources, so we can help you get the best data to fit your purpose.

We offer discounts for bulk purchases.

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Oblong (UK) Ltd
Tailored Business Solutions

SIC Resources

Struggling to allocate SIC codes?
Try our SIC finder tool which uses an a version of our AutoSIC software to allocate an SIC code based on just a company name.

Need SIC structure documentation?
Then click this link to access & download SIC code structures in .csv files.

Can't find what you are looking for? Then click here to visit our external SIC links section.

Contact Us Today

Some of our clients:

E.on, SITA, Severn Trent Water, TalkTalk, University of Sheffield,
Halfords, The Reed Group, Johnston Press, Hilton Hotels, Viridor

© Oblong (UK) Ltd